Calculate the Time to Send a Measure Command to the LDM
  Function   Values   Abreviation  
1 LDM Delay (hh:mm:ss):    0:00:00      
2 Sonde Delay (hh:mm:ss):   0:00:00   Ts  
3 Datalogger Delay (hh:mm:ss):   0:00:00   Tm  
4 LDM Valve ON Duration (hh:mm:ss)      Tv  
5 LDM Hold Time Duration (hh:mm:ss)      Th  
6 LDM Pump ON Time Duration (hh:mm:ss)      Tp  
7 Send measure command to Sonde @ (hh:mm:ss)      TY  
8 Send measure command to LDM  @ (hh:mm:ss)         
1 LDM Delay (hh:mm:ss) Set to Zero when using YSI sondes 
2 Sonde Delay (hh:mm:ss) Set to Zero when using YSI sondes 
3 Datalogger Delay (hh:mm:ss) Set to Zero when using YSI sondes. Some dataloggers do not support this option
4 LDM Valve ON Duration (hh:mm:ss) Set the duration for the LDM valve to open. 120 seconds = (0:02:00) 
5 LDM Hold Time Duration (hh:mm:ss) Set the sample holding time for the LDM. 60 second = (00:01:00) 
6 LDM Pump ON Time Duration (hh:mm:ss). Set the duration for the LDM pump to run for 120 seconds = (0:02:00) 
7 Send measure command to Sond @ (hh:mm:ss). Set the time in the datalogger to send a measure command to the YSI sonde.(Example 13:00:00)
8 Set the datalogger to send a measure command to the LDM at this calculated time. (Example 12:57:30)